this is not my beautiful house

Change of Fart

Change of Fart

Ass you can-can seethe, spellcheck’s back!

So many things to tell you I gotta try keep them straight but hang on to something just in case.

So we went for an early walk this morning me and Daisy and for the first time in maybe three weeks it worked out because of traction mostly, you know, first time I haven’t had my eyes glued to the ice, but Daisy went down on her chin at the end of the driveway and was embarrassed and lagging at the beginning until she found the first sign of spring which I think was a mole but by the time I got her to finally fucking drop it (which I think she misunderstood) it looked like a spool of thread the cat got. Pretty sure it was pre-dead btw.

Anyway. I let Daisy off the leash soon as we got on the trail and I put the leash around my neck like always and way after the mole when were were all the way down to the tennis courts I realized no leash so we did a little loop to the edge and stared down at the lake a spell before we retraced our steps to see where the fuck the blue snake was but of course some fucking good martian (told you) picked it up and hung it in a fucking tree which we missed because it was solely a ground search and we had to go again and I was prepared to attach Daisy by my hat to the corner of my coat when I spotted the leash in a tree like the Jungle Book snake.

Which brings me to the point of this blog. Or wait. No it doesn’t really, but whatev here’s the fucking bomb: I am returning to work next week Tuesday and Thursday and then MWF, etc.

Had a day of fucking high fucking anxiety yesterday thinking about it. Had to take emergency THC to cope and a bunch of camels which I think was going to be chamomile tea but you prob think I took up smoking again which I didn’t although still puffing away in my dreams and wake up horrified.

Also did the dumbest-ass thing which was to try on my jeans

I could get them on at least but only because of serious and consistent calorie cutting over the past three weeks – but It’s much more than calorie cutting – I slaughter those motherfuckers.

Diet’s mostly vegetable, mostly raw, and it’s only just occurring to me that spellcheck knows of what he speaks because my headline is true, there has been a change of fart around here and nice I suppose of him to notice not that I’m attention-starved or anything.

Pizza-starved, yes, and also roti

Change of Heart was supposed to be the heading, obviously I hope, and it’s because I woke up this morning feeling okay about going back to work.

I’ll wear my tight jeans and stick with the vegetable diet so shouldn’t have to worry about anyone in close proximity if you catch my drift and I hope they will

I leave the heavy lifting to the poets

I leave the heavy lifting to the poets

Yes, We’re There Yet

Yes, We’re There Yet