this is not my beautiful house

I am a shy girl with wildly fluctuating self esteem

I am a shy girl with wildly fluctuating self esteem

So why do I full-on holler the most ridiculous things I wonder

I don’t know what’s up with that I mean I don’t want to say stupid things full volume but I sure as shit do I am gregarious you see after the big long hilly windy walk and it’s gorgeous out there today cool breeze off the lake I think it’s how heaven might be.

Did I mention I’ve started writing skits? You can get to the quick so quickly I love ’em

So one idea I had on the walk just now has already made me more than a trillionnaire in theory. I will either totally ignore this idea which I sprinted home for or spend the next day or two working on it non-stop and then ignore it or I might do it right, of course this is my preferred door number please Monty, and if I do it right it will work and I don’t mean it about the trillions all I need is enough to quit work and write all the time every minute of every day would be even better than the aforementioned heaven.

Or maybe they could go hand-in-hand you know, a combo, like whoever’s at the gate would say would you like a breeze with that? or would you like a laptop with that? or maybe they’ll just say who would you like to see first?

Imagine that

Anyway so there we were me and Daisy all happy and springy and puffy and somebody was entering the pathway with his dog I see this guy all the time and I like him. He always gives me a hearty yo-ho-ho kind of greeting the kind you can’t fake so you can see why I like him. Once I saw him out of context at the grocery store and it was so weird I said this is so weird I’ve never seen you out of the forest and I think we both for a minute felt like Peter Pan or something or maybe it was just me because he just smiled and carried on.

Anyway he looks like an evolved – a Darwined if you can stand it – Fred Flintstone

He asked if it was muddy because that path has been impassable like it’s just been impossibly impassible but it’s good now, the ground is not gooey and it’s like memory foam so nice to walk on (maybe heaven has floors like this they should because clouds) there’s still goo underneath what makes it nice and soft but the surface it’s healed over.

Good footing as my horse daughter would say

Do I need to qualify that? She looks nothing like a horse, not even in a small way, however she is a blacksmith and so she often smells like one.

So here’s a script about what I hollered full-blast at this nice man.

Man: Muddy?

Me: Nah. You could wear your ballet slippers if you brought them


Anyway I posted a new story using the old silent treatment

This is the icon you click if you’re going straight to which you can do at any time and there will be a new story waiting, and if you want to read the latest story now this icon is loaded:

Wait… what if it’s one of my characters I ask to see first in heaven?

How was your Summer?

How was your Summer?

Triangles were first on my shopping list

Triangles were first on my shopping list