this is not my beautiful house

Imagine the questions to these Jeopardy answers (or vice-versa)

Imagine the questions to these Jeopardy answers (or vice-versa)

Well that sure was a tricky headline to write. This list started out to be questions designed to foil the new Jeopardy whiz, such as What did I have for breakfast? but then I had to make it all answer-y instead, and what with all the confusion, it turned into this, which appears to be in order of declining maturity.

Imagine what the questions (answers?) might have been.

  1. What is granola?

  2. What is death by progressives?

  3. What is hobby hoarding?

  4. What is a triple expletive tirade?

  5. What is a very long story with a disappointing ending?

  6. Who is John Galt?

  7. Who was Forrest Jump

  8. What is multiple sarcasms

  9. What is a fucket list?

  10. What is that smell?

#12 / I am very sorry for my recent behaviour almost constantly

#12 / I am very sorry for my recent behaviour almost constantly

#11 / Your friends are your super-powers

#11 / Your friends are your super-powers