this is not my beautiful house

Spring gardening tips or What I learned (again) today

Spring gardening tips or What I learned (again) today

  1. Frequent coffee

  2. Pick up the dog poo before it thaws

  3. Single-digit April is too early

  4. Go to Lee Valley for a dazzling new rake!

  5. Your quads will thank you, but not tonight, tomorrow, or even Monday

  6. Wine is for casual weeding, not this grunt-y business

  7. Coffee can turn on you

  8. Contrary to Mary, Sherry, you don’t have to be quite so

  9. Green thumb is a real thing but an inaccurate colour

  10. Just because it feels like it, you cannot actually communicate with your garden-loving father, who died more than a score ago, which is easier to say than the actual number

Rhetorical (sort of) questions

Rhetorical (sort of) questions

#2 / I’ve got a funny feeling about this, too

#2 / I’ve got a funny feeling about this, too