this is not my beautiful house

Pour Me A Grape

Pour Me A Grape

People are loyal to their misquotations. After all, there’s no “i” in denial

Gwyneth said Conscious Uncoupling regarding her and Cold Chris. I say Wilful Unmatching but am talking more about my outfits these days – which should actually be infits – except that I go out in them which is okay, mostly anyway, because it’s very cold outside these early days of spring, and I have an invisibility coat of sorts.

There’s nothing that my long black puffy coat can’t hide

Whether I’m wearing leggings-as-pants-again (check), if I’m packing cookies (also check), or even a flask (mind your own business), I can get away with anything when cloaked in my LBPC.

I don’t know what I am going to wear when it warms up except possibly my bedspread

Long black puffy coats are to debauchery what butter is to cooking and that’s a twain that will meet up in the comment section because I am going to post a recipe there and it’s the best soup you’ll ever make and everybody who tries it – including your imaginary friends if you live alone during this time – will adore you for it forever or at least for as long as they can stand you because you know, you can be annoying af what with everything you say suddenly being all cryptic because of those stupid crossword puzzles you’re making. And when I say you I mean me.

The first crossword puzzle is up this morning

The clues are based on a recent day’s playlist from “The Original Greatest Hits” station, Zoomer Radio, and I think they’re nicely challenging and of course crosswords are very satisfying even when you usually can’t get no and if you understood that you’ll do pretty good.

I’ll put the link at the end of this post. Go to the PUZZLES&CONTESTS section and download it because the more downloads, the more employed I am, if you catch my The Drifters.

And there will be something new every day. Not always a crossword and not always a puzzle. There will be music-themed doodles every week and before you roll your eyes take a look next Wednesday. It’s The Beatles. I’m still working on it, but it’s looking just right and if you download it and doodle in a bit of colour you’ll like it too. Even if you think it’s silly. Because it’s not. It’s actually fun and satisfying and you might even want to hang it on your fridge, you know, until you start having company again.

Here’s what it looks like for now and btw drawing has the same risks as writing. You gotta know when to stop and maybe I should?


Have you noticed that everybody’s suddenly all be-kind-to-one-another? I mean Jesus. I thought we were all supposed to be doing that all along anyway. And now it’s trending. [Insert eye-roll here.] HolyFuckingShit. Is this something that has only just occurred to people in the face of an epidemic?

And speaking of, how’s your epidemic-face?

Mine is both rough and soft like one of those cleaning cloths with opposite-textured sides. I have a big shiner on my nose, slightly off centre thank goodness. Also my face, especially along my jawline, is a gold mine of silver twirly and weird sprouting whiskers like I’m a Dr. Seuss character. Horton Gives a Who.

Or Sherry Gives A Shit which is certainly a misquotation

Charlie, my 22-year-old middle-by-three-minutes child has started whistling right out of the blue, and it reminds me of my dad who was one great whistler and when I hear Charlie, well, you know what I mean, right? It gets me right here.

I haven’t said anything to him about it because I don’t want to fuck with the spell, you know?

I’m posting two blogs today. Next one’s Clutterbucks Episode 6 in which there will be a recap so you don’t have to start at the beginning although you totally should because you’ll miss a lot of good stuff but I put it there in case you are too busy, you know, cleaning your fridge again or doodling or stuffing things in your puffy coat and going on a walk somewhere secret.

You should see the colour of the sky out there. It’s one of the sunrises that make you remember how beautiful everything is, makes you believe in yourself and everybody else, and makes you understand (and when I say you I mean me) that it’s never too late for kindness.

There was Love in The time of Cholera, maybe, but I don’t know about now so here’s a sweet little quote from Australian author Norman Lindsay:

The best love affairs are those we never had

Stay gold, Ponypeeps

I had noise for breakfast with a side of plaid. How ’bout you?

I had noise for breakfast with a side of plaid. How ’bout you?

The New Chic

The New Chic