this is not my beautiful house

Yjrtrd s storm coming today and all the colours are out as are all the possibilities

Yjrtrd s storm coming today and all the colours are out as are all the possibilities

Come closer I’ll tell you what’s up

Just got back from a walk I still had my gloves on at first, and my hat is still on.

It’s snowing sideways already and Daisy – did I mention she’s a storm-whisperer? – has her head under my chair and she’s quivering like the Grinch’s little dog.

This isn’t a real post. I’m not sending out a click email or anything this is just for those of you who loiter, stop by looking for twisty run-on sentences to pass the time.

You won’t find a laugh here today but maybe some residual happiness I hope

Sleepy-headed I checked Dundurn again this morning so early it was still dark and the submission window is open wide so I put together a letter and went for a walk and now it’s snowing and I am sending them The Beatniks Next Door, two or three from which I posted here, so you know what I mean, right, you know why I’m excited.

And on the walk, which I do for Daisy, yes, but I also do it for me on account of those endorphins which convince me everything I write is worthy so I decided to add a bit about Clutterbucks and maybe I’ll send the first bit, too, because you can’t just say something’s funny it’s like saying somebody’s nice, you know, it’s subjective and annoying.

I told you about The Shrinks Next Door already but what I didn’t say is how nicely dark it’s coming along, how gorgeous it is to write as the slightly unhinged eavesdropper who lives on the other side of the wall.

Believe me, you can’t wait for me to post an excerpt

I art directed a photoshoot yesterday the subject of which was a Monk

I art directed a photoshoot yesterday the subject of which was a Monk

Is Optimism Real?

Is Optimism Real?