this is not my beautiful house

There’s no place like home-row

There’s no place like home-row

It’s like flying. Equal parts joy and terror

The on my keyboard fu king quit so I had to get a new one and it doesn’t have those little bumps on the index finger keys so I’m trying to adjust and this might be more of an effort for you, too, and I sincerely hope it’s worth it.

I probably knocked it out because I am a gallop-typer

Also I multi-task fucking everything so as I’m typing like 165 wpm I’m usually looking around see if the plants need water and what’s Daisy up to and if the diffuser’s out and see what’s the sky doing and are there any spiders in the corners and all while I’m wondering what I’m going to make for dinner because I’m going to try cooking with wine tonight so like CHEERS!

I’ve heard it enhances the experience and if there’s any left I might even throw a splash in the food

I use my windows rather than a weather app and it looks like rain today and the clouds have already sort of rubbed the ground so it’s damp and smudgy but not wet, yet at least, so we went for our walk early.

Caught a few of the neighbours putting their garbage out wearing scruffy robes and less and I got the impression they thought I was doing it on purpose, you know, that I was out to catch them scantily clad and let me just say once and for all not fucking likely

There’s a skunk that lives in the first part of the forest and it always smells a little like skunk (duh) and Daisy stays on the leash for that part just in case but not every dog-owner is as cautious.

The other day as we were walking in a woman I see all the time and sort of know was walking out with her doberman and the stink was a lot stinkier and she said he just got sprayed! and I said good luck with that! or something and we continued on but about ten steps in, the smell got so dense that it didn’t even smell like skunk any more if you know what I mean.

It was too deep to distinguish the skunk in it but holy shit me and Daisy gagged at exactly the same time, like in perfect unison, and we were both very thorough about it

We looked at each other, appropriately shocked I think, and we gagged again, right at each other this time, and possibly even more thoroughly, and Daisy looked so weird I started laughing and it turned into pretty much of a cackle and didn’t stop until we got out of there.

I saw the woman and her dog sort of squirming down the street, the dog was glistening and wigging out, and it looked like she, the woman I mean, had the bends or something and we kept our distance.

When I got home I saw that my book was at the library and later I walked over to pick it up and because I am an immature idiot I made a point of passing her house on the way home to see if I could smell it and I must have looked like a cartoon, you know, I think my nose got bigger and my nostrils ballooned and she caught me.

Can you smell it? she hollered from her porch

Which is kind of a weird thing to holler. Anyway I just said nah, you musta caught it in time whatever the fuck that means.

As promised/threatened, here’s both Chapter One and Act I Scene I of The Whispering Gentlemen. If you’re not used to reading plays just keep going and pretty soon you’ll twig.

If you read them both and if you feel like it, I am interested to know if the screenplay works in the same way the prose does, you know, do they both convey the same sort of feeling?

I think so, and I sure hope so, because I’m galloping!

Chapter 6

A: Tequila!

A: Tequila!