this is not my beautiful house

This cleanse is making me nicely light-headed... but

This cleanse is making me nicely light-headed... but

there are dire (abbv) consequences

Like through the eye of a needle one minute and a fucking holo hoop the next


Also for this, the second week, there’s a new set of remedies, three of them in three different forms all producing the three forms of matter solid liquid gas and it’s been a while I thought maybe instead of gas it was steam which is a little more accurately how it feels so in my constant but futile effort to not seem an idiot I decided to google and, like, when the fuck did they add a fourth?

Can they just do that?

Fourth state of matter is plasma, folks, and I probably should have stuck around and found out exactly what that is since it’s suddenly so important but I enjoy speculation oh so much more than google so maybe it’s either skin- or flesh-related (ew), some state that matters such as Utah which I’ve heard it’s beautiful, the state of goo, or I don’t know maybe it’s just watching television on a largish screen.

Which btw for me is a constant lament containing but not limited to such injections as stupid juvenile predictable omg whatanidiot I’mmakingpopcorn istheremorewine and I’mgoingtobed

But back to my new round of remedies you have to take them three times a day on a empty stomach.

Pardon me?

My empty stomach is available briefly most dawns and that’s it motherfucker

Yesterday was the first day and the first dose was a cinch and I managed to get my second dose in around one, empty being relative, but an empty stomach before bed?

Do those words even make sense?

All youth is dashing isn’t it so my dashing naturopath said not quite like this but he meant something like you have a cardiovascular system to die for. He smiled his locks rollicking and dimples dimpling better than MINE!!! he added.

I waited for him to say HOW? or what’s your secret?

And rather than saying it’s because I am always darting here and there looking for my stuff – or the running around in circles at work thing, the two-steps-forward-one-step-back trying to get published thing, or about how I pace in a straight line and call it hiking thing – what I really would have said had he asked how I keep my heart in constant motion?

I would have replied this empty page

I’ve been working hard but in the aforementioned circles on the LITBIT site the design was a cinch like I was done in an hour but getting the coding shit to work for eggsample the email took three (not a euphamism or a euphemism either) days it’s the same way on this blog the illustrations take so much more time than the writing but it’s fun and today’s I think was worth it even if I am wearing a wig and a fake roman nose and forgot to give myself knees and elbows.

And you can read today’s light and funny (peculiar) shortshort story here if you want and if you don’t, you can’t.

Have a nice springy weekend everybody!

Up A Storm

Up A Storm

Dear Pelvic Floor

Dear Pelvic Floor