this is not my beautiful house



Why I avoided Wordle

I avoided wordle because I knew it was exactly my thing and I don’t exactly need another fucking thing.

I’ve recently taken over the art direction on a health and wellness magazine, tra-la, so of course I read all the articles because I have to make them look good in a way that makes sense according to content so now I am obsessed with:

Herbal Remedies
Fresh Mantras
Spring Alliums
Italian Desserts
Sleep Disorders

In addition to all my previous long-standing obsessions and other newish ones like waistbands and novellas and the benefits of poetic gore (I don’t even know what that is, it was a typo, but likely it’s worthy of at least a flash obsession)

I don’t know why, maybe only because I need something funny, but that list reminds me of when my brother loaned me a book (for research on a novel) called 50 Mental Illnesses and as he handed it over he said, I have all of them except hypochondria.


As a side note, he told me a while ago that the cactus I gave him a few years back has gnarled at the top in a certain way so it’s now always giving him the finger.


Anyway there was a little blip of an article about Wordle in the March/April issue which incidentally I’m sending to print today so don’t ask me why I’m writing this instead (breathe) and I had to check the url for viability and so there the fuck I was and I didn’t know how to play or anything but just for fun I typed in AVOID and the O went yellow and the D went green so I figured out why and before you know it I had it in three tries (breathe) and thinking I was the fucking bomb I was ready to play again – ka-ching – like I was suddenly at a casino with a Long Island Ice Tea in both hands.

But you see, it’s only once a day.

Which is why Wordle is a Turdle

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