this is not my beautiful house

I had gnats for breakfast, how ’bout you?

I had gnats for breakfast, how ’bout you?

Little fuckers broke my fast*

(this post may contain profanity)

Yesterday it was snowflakes and today it’s gnat-swarming and it’s so almost-hot (hyphen-party!) that I tied my big puffy jacket around my big puffy waist* but I hung on to the hat because somebody hid my hairbrush again.

Which I blame fully and completely on my new misplacement muse, Lily the sneaky white cat

I have a busy day today which will include a zoom meeting unless I can get out of it somehow and I’m thinking dastardly thoughts here, very likely brought on by the point at which I find myself in my novel-in-progress.


You know the part where Jean-Louise realizes it’s Boo in the corner? How about when you find out it was Daisy who was driving through the valley of ashes and got Myrtle Wilson right in the guts? Or when Maxim tells you that he killed Rebecca!

Remember what it did to you? That rush of everything? Shook your brain up and when it unshook, things didn’t quite land from whence they came, did they?

Well I am about to drop one huge motherfucking torpedo right into my story. Like smackfuckingdab centre of my plot line.

I couldn’t sleep last night due to the anticipation and I got up at five and typed like it was a speed test, and I don’t know if you know but my super power is fast typing.

Like talk about flying fucking colours

I mean I’ve been paving the way for this to happen all along, you know, refining it in my head when you thought I was listening, or restructuring when you thought I was watching, or eating cookies* when you thought I wasn’t, so the road was paved, but this morning I decided on one more layer of deceit before I let fly.

I don’t know if this wild creative energy is due to the gnats or the gnicely aligned planets, but I am gnext-levelling this shit

And speaking of planets, I’ve had a black dot that’s been hanging around in my peripheral since I was ten because I looked at an eclipse just like Donald Trump did except without the stupid or the cardboard wife and anyway this thing has become more prominent lately and thinking I had maybe inherited macular degeneration, I went to the eye doc who {spellcheck tried to change that to Doctor Who) said I’m all clear but he wasn’t able to explain this dark floater’s new trajectories but it’s freaking me the fuck out because it appears much in the same swingy unexpected way that spiders do, and you know, who the fuck needs that?

So remember when you feel the earth move in a little while, it’s either me dropping my story-bomb or it’s another fake spider


And I thought I was windy

And I thought I was windy

Suspension of disbelief is not just for swallowing the printed word

Suspension of disbelief is not just for swallowing the printed word