this is not my beautiful house

Suspension of disbelief is not just for swallowing the printed word

Suspension of disbelief is not just for swallowing the printed word

It also comes in handy on an April snow day when I fall three times during a very short conversation and neither of us seem to notice

Outstanding April snow day today so we went for an early walk that involved many things including a five star set design.

Daisy was not at all sure about going out so early or at all but I had peanuts in my pocket so off we went. Couldn’t find my winter boots of course – I can seldom find the fuckers in the winter – but today they were a lost cause so I had to wear my glass-bottom blundstones. At one point I was talking with a gentleman who had a dog named Rosie and the thing was on a leash and all tough and slobbery and should have been called Brutus or Scrapper or something – little fucker growled at me the whole time – anyway, while speaking with this man I fell three times and we both of us suspended disbelief and didn’t notice which seemed perfectly normal at the time.

Daisy of course was killing herself laughing

So we didn’t go down the big hill because of the boots and anyway I wanted to see the magnolia tree which is the earliest bloomer around these parts, pardner, and it’s been gorgeous for weeks now and you get a little dizzy in its company. Its blossoms are like clouds from a distance and when you get close the petals are big lovely shapes of white and within the white are greens and pinks and I wanted to see the juxtaposition, you know, with snow, and it’s the kind of snow that is three inches deep on everything including barely-there branches and ideas.

So the snow was kind of like an upside down shadow on the blossoms and if your brain did that, we should talk

I thought it would be beautiful but it wasn’t beautiful at all. The snow was nice and white but the petals beneath looked dirty yellow and they were all kind of wilted. It’s like Daisy is such a pretty little dog, nice and white, until she’s in the snow and you can see she’s actually sort of gross and yellow. Also she’s fucking reading my mind because she just farted at me from the couch which she does now. She finally got the hang of it I guess. Before you could only hear her fart when she was making damp contact with the tiled floor.

And if your brain did that, sincere apologies

The poor flowers only yesterday so beautiful were suddenly in trouble and I took it upon myself to shake the snow off the tree and it all tumbled ceremoniously down the back of my neck and proceeded to melt and drip all the way and so now, as I type this, my bum’s wet, which I guess could be because of the three consecutive falls that didn’t happen but what the fuck ever.

The snow was like sugar all scented and now I smell like magnolia and you don’t

Somebody came back into my life a few days ago and she’s still so funny. She said our reunion is what shut the network down. There’s so much to say after 20 years that it’s hard, you know? All the words are busy fighting to get out and it’s leaving me sort of empty except for one thing about our tribe all those years ago which she’s finding out here and now because I sent her a link to this blog and it’s this, Holly: Paul didn’t make it.

I came to her in a dream, she said, and she had to find me. I think I know who gave her the dream.

Which is a weird way to end a blog so here is my number one happiness-through-suspension-of-disbelief tip:

It’s not you, it’s your mirror.


I had gnats for breakfast, how ’bout you?

I had gnats for breakfast, how ’bout you?

You know what happens when you say you don’t believe in Fairies, right?

You know what happens when you say you don’t believe in Fairies, right?