Enter June
It’s windy and cool and blue and green and we’re all woke right the fuck up and trying to swallow what happened to George Floyd
I think that hate is a virus and some people just can’t fucking shake it.
Sometimes it’s genetic and sometimes it’s a matter of proximity as in the apple falls too close and sometimes it’s a faulty apple to begin with and sometimes it gets bruised and thwarted and hate comes as a defence.
I’m sick of people who say be kind and people who say do unto others because this doesn’t work on those who are susceptible, for whatever reason, to the virus called hate.
And kindness, unfortunately, seems to have become a sort of currency in these days of COVID-19 and corporations are using it to up their image. I am not going to mention their names because that’s what they like and there’s nothing generous or genuine about their acts of “kindness” because real kindness does not ask for a reward, and real generosity seeks no recognition.
I don’t know how one develops an appreciation for things like music and poetry or whatever’s balm for your soul, but I think that people who have the hate virus have no balm and that’s just fucking tragic and then they take their shit out on others which is just fucking tragic again.
I don’t fucking know
I don’t know what to do about it or where to put the sadness I feel for George Floyd and the world at large but spreading the word helps and maybe that’s the balm right there
Derek Chauvin’s highshool yearbook writeup:
Insecure, Frustrated Bully With Something To Prove Considering Career In Law Enforcement