this is not my beautiful house

How was your Summer?

How was your Summer?

That’s an Ontario question, summer was last week, today it’s back to hats and mitts which I had already stored and had to drag from the green garbage bag in the middle of my bedroom ffs

Trying a new scheme this morning and its called not giving a fuck so what you ask is the difference?

I didn’t look in the mirror before I left, like between when I got dressed and flew out the door I didn’t even so much as sideways glance because those are sometimes deadly and I suffer immediate inertia from how I look in silhouette.

I mean it’s not exactly Alfred Hitchcock but it’s not Tippi either

I don’t think there would be room for all my organs and veins in her anyway… can’t you stretch your intestines to the moon? or maybe that’s rolls of end-to-end life savers they’ve sold.

On the GO now listing to the Dixie Chicks I used to like this song but I’ve listened right through it and now I see all the holes in that which I used to find wonderful, it’s the Landslide one, so that’s another argument similar to the no mirrors one I mean maybe you only get so many listens/looks before things sour.

My mother had macular degeneration and her face when she searched for it in the mirror was a black dot. She could still see her hair, thankfully, because she loved her hair, it never went grey and she lived a long time but still not long enough.

Do mothers ever?

I write her into stories all the time and in the story I wrote this morning and have linked here, she’s the “j”. She’s there for just a glimpse, it was my father who won the trophies, there’s not a letter to match him, no symbol at all if you had to glyph him I mean you couldn’t how do you draw pizzaz and the exclamation point is overused and the wrong way up.

Anyway back to not looking I used to have a mirror in the hallway which held Charlie up so much we were all waiting in the car to drive to school so I took it down and wrote on the wall you look fine.

It’s back up and I’m not going to take it or any of them down but I look fine and you do, too

I am wearing my pre-cataract three-year-old glasses again I could never quite get the swing of them back then but now I love them and have cancelled the aren’t-I-weird/artsy-in-a-good-way-I-am-also-fashion-forward-and-unlikely-to-act-my-age frames I ordered last week because fuck no.

So I don’t know what you might want to do first so here’s a link to Glen Campbell singing Gentle on my Mind which followed the Dixie Chicks one and also here’s a link to The Golf Guy which tomorrow I’ll replace with one based on the song I am now listening to which is By the time I get to Phoenix so if you feel like checking it out tomorrow go to and click on the tweaking star.

Dear Pelvic Floor

Dear Pelvic Floor

I am a shy girl with wildly fluctuating self esteem

I am a shy girl with wildly fluctuating self esteem