this is not my beautiful house

I am reading The Great Gatsby again. Please pass me my eyelashes

I am reading The Great Gatsby again. Please pass me my eyelashes


I am uncertain about semi-colons, instapots, James Franco, kimchi, CBD oil, the Oxford comma, and sausages – but every time I read Gatsby – I am certain that hope is everything. Just careful the wagon you hitch it to

I mean look at those of us who swirl under the “writer” profession as in profess to be writers. It’s a fiasco. If we’re not swirling under it trying not to get frauded out, we’re swirling way above it, as in over-the-top confident as in move over F. Scott. We are bipolar about our abilities, full of hope, and also stubborn as fuck, because we keep on writing.

It’s all about that jab you get when you write something you think is beautiful. Like when you actually take your own breath away

For painters it must be the same except it’s a perfect sky or colour or cheekbone. I don’t understand how on earth anyone composes music, and I suspect sorcery is involved, but the resulting magic must stir them deeply because it sure stirs the rest of us and we didn’t even participate. I guess the jab applies to all art and also everything else because rock climbers, mechanics, teachers, weavers, comedians, and people who get their favourite tea on sale or catch a glimpse of a spectacular sunriset, get that jab, too. See what I did there?

And I think love is the same jab

When Carol Burnett was a little girl she decided that when she got famous she was going to change her name, you know, have a stage name which started with a C and went really well with Carol and yes, I forget what it was. I’ll youtube the interview of her that I watched last night when I’m off the tea in – which sounds like a much nicer place to be than the train thank you autocorrect – and I’ll tell you in the comment section below. Anyway. She was just so full of hope. I guess she toyed with the idea of the stage name and when she was still a kid she decided against it. Here’s why. She was a super quiet kid, extremely shy, she didn’t have many friends, and her crush didn’t even know she was alive, etc. but she knew she was something special and she knew she’d be famous and she knew those kids would know who she was if her name was Carol Burnett but that they wouldn’t know it was her if she changed her name and I guess she wanted to prove a point.

Anyway have a great day, don’t underestimate quiet people, hope for the best, and pass it on, you know, as in share

I love snow and it’s mostly because it fills me with hope for a full-on nobody-goes-anywhere Snow Day

I love snow and it’s mostly because it fills me with hope for a full-on nobody-goes-anywhere Snow Day

It’s my birthday and I have a list of demands, for myself mostly

It’s my birthday and I have a list of demands, for myself mostly