this is not my beautiful house

The Bread Also  Rises

The Bread Also Rises

Omg where to start… The Beatniks Next Door is over and I didn’t really know it was the last story until the last paragraph came just this morning and I caught on all at once.

There’s a certain tragedy about the last paragraph, every word concerned about its final placement, like arranging a sudden choir or the animals on the arc

But it felt right and now onto The Beatniks – Behind the Scenes and if you don’t know about The Beatniks Next Door, it’s a collection of very short stories about the members of a community in the lesser canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains, within the Hollywood Hills district of Los Angeles, and each story is about one of the beatniks. The narrator writes from the memories of his childhood when he lived summers there.

So that part ended but right away up bubbled the next thing which is a sit com screenplay skit behind-the-scenes play about each of the beatniks and this time it’s from their perspectives and I can’t wait to get started.

Second thing is a new bra, I know tmi lol, but it’s necessary for the third thing to make sense in a weird way so here we go

So I am having friends over later this morning, the best of them let me tell you David and Sally a couple of beatniks themselves. I like to make bread for my friends so before our walk this morning I put theirs together, you know, all messy like you’d expect clouds of this and that and did I add the salt? where’d the yeast go? things like that.

I was already dressed and ready to go for a walk – leash around neck, treats in pockets, shoes on, Daisy cold-nosing my legs – so I finished and off we went, a couple of sticky bits on my fingers, whatev, and on the path ran into Jim and Whiny, both nice and friendly although Jim didn’t stretch out on the path and offer his belly for scratching but he kept looking at me, you know, I’ve heard women complain that sometimes men look more at their boobs than their eyes, a situation I have personally never encountered unless it’s a searching kind of look, but I gotta tell you Jim was a little outta line there but I just blamed it on the new bra, wasn’t sure if I should feel flattered or what, and kept going and such a gorgeous day big blue sky everything so green and graphic the lake beautiful blue chunks and those flax flowers, at least that’s what I think they’re called, in all different purples like big dabs of paint I mean no wonder every single person I met on the path was happy, big smiles, and even a few giggles, you know, and I sort of caught it and became slightly delirious myself, Daisy, too, was sort of performing which is decidedly out of character, and all was right with the world.

Until I got home in the usual too much coffee state and loped to the bathroom and when I saw myself in the cloudy mirror omg my black shirt with flour boobs

I Spinach, Therefore I Yam

I Spinach, Therefore I Yam

